Broken Glass Door Replacement And Windows Replacement

Broken Glass Door Replacement And Windows Replacement

Broken glass is hazardous, as it poses a safety and security risk, as well as exposing your home to the elements. Whether you have broken door or window glass as the result of a storm, break-in, or an accident, Perfect Sliding Doors Repair & Replacement offers complete broken glass replacement services for any type of glass.

Can Broken Door & Window Glass be Repaired?

A lot of people assume a broken window pane means the whole window must be replaced, but that’s not always the case! In many scenarios, we can replace just the damaged panes if the frame is still in good condition.

The exception is if the frame is dented or damaged, or if the windows are very old and a new pane will be glaringly obvious. With older windows, it’s often prudent to go ahead and replace the entire window as it will improve the performance and energy efficiency as well as appearance.

With steel, wood, and fiberglass doors with glass inserts we can often replace just the broken glass. The exception with doors is if it is an older style or custom glass design that can no longer be acquired. In this case, you can select a different glass design and have all of the panes replaced in order to match; or, replace the entire door, which may be a better option if it’s old.

Replace Broken Door & Window Glass with Impact Glass

If you’re going to be replacing broken windows and doors, we encourage you to consider impact, hurricane resistant glass. Especially here in South Florida, having doors and windows that can sustain hurricane force winds and debris projectiles can protect your home from major damage during a storm.

Instead of shattering and exposing your home to the elements, impact glass cracks in a spider web pattern but remains intact due to a durable inner layer of polyvinyl butaryl (PVB) between two panes of glass.

Contact Perfect Sliding Doors Repair & Replacement for a Free Estimate

Located in Boca Raton, we serve homeowners throughout South Florida with full-service sliding glass door repairs. Call 561-900-4131 or email INFO@PERFECTSLIDINGDOORS.COM to schedule service or get a free estimate.


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